Conflict Resolution and Prevention through Negotiations, Analyzing International Conflicts

Purpose of training:

Based on theoretical knowledge and examples, the trainee will develop ability to analyze the essence of conflicts, to identify types of conflicts, correctly define its causes and subsequent escalation contributing factors, as well as the parties involved in the conflict. Additionally, trainees will develop skills to identify true interests and roles of the involved parties. Trainee will find out how conflict is managed at different stages.

From the experience and knowledge gained from listening and participating in simulation games, the trainee will have an idea on how to plan and conduct the negotiation and mediation process, choose the right negotiation techniques, use diplomatic language,

As part of the training, we will also discuss how to avoid conflicts
with the aim to develop preventive mechanisms, by discussing real-life cases from non-governmental organizations and international organizations

Number of trainings:

8 training sessions (90 minutes, twice a week) 

Training topics:

  • Sources of conflict: "Need-greed-creed-triggers". A range of conflict management mechanisms: force, coercion, arbitration, negotiation, mediation, reconciliation.
  • Inter-country and regional conflicts, their causes and dynamics. Geopolitics, real-politics, ideal-politics and capital-politics.
  • Civil and state-forming conflicts, democracy and the security dilemma in resolving civil wars. The role of civil society in the resolution of internal conflicts.
  • Negotiations: competitiveness and cooperation in negotiations. Interest-based negotiation and its elements. Drawing up a scheme for analyzing the conflict and preparing for negotiation and mediation.
  • Forming offers for negotiation: wording, changing the wording, choices regarding the decision to be made. Communication and conflict. Positive and constructive communication. Language of negotiation - linguistics.
  • "Architecture" of the negotiation table: types of bilateral negotiations, multilateral negotiations. Negotiation style according to different cultures.
  • The role of mediation in the negotiation process. Mediator selection criteria and factors to consider. Preparation for the mediation process (7 steps). Consideration of procedural, substantive and psychological interests to initiate fruitful discussions.
  • Conflict prevention: means of prevention at different stages of conflict. The role of international organizations and civil society.

After successfully completing the training, you will receive a bilingual certificate.


Ketevan Gogolashvili

დიპლომატი 30 წლიანი გამოცდილებით.

2017-2021 წ.წ. იყო დიპლომატიური მისიის ხელმძღვანელი ქ. ბარსელონაში;

სხვდასხვა დროს მნიშვნელოვან პოსტებს იკავებდა აშშ-ში, კანადასა და მექსიკაში საქართველოს საელჩოში (1998-2002 წ.),

ავსტრიის რესპუბლიკაში საქართველოს საელჩოსა და ქ. ვენაში განლაგებულ საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციებში საქართველოს მუდმივ წარმომადგენლობაში (2008-2011),

ესპანეთის სამეფოში საქართველოს საელჩოსა და ტურიზმის საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციაში საქართველოს მუდმივი წარმომადგენლობაში (2013-2016წ.),

დამთავრებული აქვს ი. ჯავახიშვილის სახ. სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის იურიდიული ფაკულტეტი და ქ. მადრიდის დიპლომატიური სკოლა.

გავლილი აქვს გაეროს კვლევითი ცენტრის UNITAR პროგრამა მშვიდობის დამყარებასა და პრევენციულ დიპლომატიაში (ნორვეგია).

₾700 ₾ 1200
  • Duration1 month
  • Schedule

    Mon 20:00-21:30
    Fri 20:00-21:30

  • Language Georgian