Economics for Managers

The course is based on the acquisition of economic knowledge for managerial decision-making purposes. Each lecture begins with a presentation of a real managerial problem, which prompts the listener to make his own conclusions before getting acquainted with the real situation. The introduction focuses on the optimal decision-making analysis skills, followed by analysis of the firm's profit maximization problem, demand, production, and costs.

The purpose of the course is to address the problems faced by managers in the decision-making process and to develop the economic analysis skills, which they will need to make managerial decisions.

  • Nature, scope and methods of managerial economics
  • Demand theory
  • Demand estimation
  • Production theory
  • Cost theory
  • Cost estimation
  • Market structure and pricing
  • Game theory
  • Pricing strategy
  • Investment analysis
  • Government and managerial policy
  • A manager as an economist

After successfully completing the training, you will receive a bilingual certificate.


Natia Gigauri

ეკონომიკის ლექტორი-კავკასიის უნივერისტეტი- 2022 წლიდან დღემდე. საგნები: საერთაშორისო ეკონომიკა, მენეჯერული ეკონომიკა, მოსახლეობის ეკონომიკა და ფირმის ეკონომიკა და სტრატეგიები.

- ეკონომიკის დოქტორი

- (MBA in Operations)

₾650 ₾ 850
  • Duration1 month and 2 weeks
  • Schedule

    Tue 20:00-21:30
    Thu 20:00-21:30

  • Language Georgian