Propedeutics PCD - physical examination and history taking as internalist

Day 1: Introduction to Internal Medicine History Taking

Overview of the course and its objectives, emphasizing the importance of thorough history taking in internal medicine.

Day 2: Basics of Cardiology History Taking

Exploring the key components of cardiac history taking and their relevance in diagnosing heart conditions.

Day 3: Cardiology Examination Techniques

Introduction to physical examination skills specific to cardiology, such as auscultation, palpation, and assessment of jugular venous pressure.

Day 4: Pulmonology History Taking and Examination

Focusing on the nuances of gathering a detailed pulmonary history and performing relevant physical examinations.

Day 5: Simulated Patient Interaction (Cardiology and Pulmonology)

Students practice history taking and examination skills with simulated patients presenting cardiac and respiratory symptoms.

Day 6: Gastrointestinal History Taking and Examination

Delving into the art of collecting patient history related to gastrointestinal issues and performing relevant abdominal examinations.

Day 7: Case Reports and Diagnosis Discussion

Reviewing case reports from previous lessons, and discussing the diagnostic process and treatment plans for various internal medicine cases.

Day 8: Simulated Patient Interaction (Gastrointestinal) and Course Conclusion

Students interact with simulated patients with gastrointestinal complaints and consolidate their knowledge from the course. A final summary of key takeaways and course evaluation.


After the successful completion of the training , you will receive international certificate.


ალექსანდრა ბარნოვი

მოწვეული ლექტორი კავკასიის უნივერსიტეტში, მოწვეული ლექტორი საქართველოს უნივერსიტეტში. მედიცინის ცენტრი "მრჩეველი" პედიატრის ასისტენტი . 

₾950 ₾ 1150
  • ხანგრძლივობა1 თვე
  • განრიგი

    Mon 19:00-20:30
    Fri 19:00-20:30

  • ენა ინგლისური