Ethical Patient-Provider Engagement: Multifaceted Insights and Ethical Complexities

Course Description:

This comprehensive training course delves into the intricacies of ethical patient-provider interactions, encompassing a wide array of patient demographics and sensitive ethical scenarios. Participants will acquire a profound understanding of medical ethics and the ability to apply these principles effectively while navigating complex, diverse patient encounters.


*Meeting 1: Foundational Principles of Medical Ethics*

- Introduction to Medical Ethics

- Core Ethical Values in Healthcare

- Shared Decision-Making and Informed Consent

*Meeting 2: Culturally Diverse Patient Interactions*

- Cultural Competence in Healthcare

- Addressing Healthcare Disparities

- Ethical Equanimity Across Cultural Boundaries

* Meeting 3: Patients with Histories of Sexual Trauma*

- Trauma-Informed Care

- Consent and Boundaries

- Confidentiality and Reporting Obligations

* Meeting 4: Physical Abuse, Legal Frameworks, and Ethical Imperatives*

- Identification of Abuse Indicators

- Legal Mandates and Reporting Procedures

- Protection of Vulnerable Patients

* Meeting 5: Accommodating Patients' Religious Beliefs*

- Respecting Religious Autonomy

- Balancing Medical Intervention with Religious Convictions

- Ethical Dilemmas in End-of-Life Care

* Meeting 6: Addressing LGBTQ+ Patient Needs*

- LGBTQ+ Healthcare Disparities

- Gender-Affirming Care

- Inclusivity and Sensitivity in Practice

* Meeting 7: Ethical Considerations in Palliative Care*

- End-of-Life Decision-Making

- Ethical Dimensions of Palliative Care

- Supporting Patients and Their Families

* Meeting 8: Patients with Disabilities: Ethical Considerations*

- Ethical Care for Patients with Disabilities

- Patient Autonomy and Informed Decision-Making

- Accessibility and Inclusivity

* Meeting 9: Ethical Responsibilities in Mental Health Support*

- Ethical Dimensions of Mental Health Treatment

- Privacy and Confidentiality in Mental Health

- Dual Roles and Ethical Boundaries

* Meeting 10: Rights and Responsibilities of Healthcare Providers*

- Legal and Ethical Frameworks Governing Healthcare Providers

- Duty of Care and Scope of Practice

- Ethical Obligations in Challenging Scenarios

*Course Delivery:*

The course will employ a blend of lectures, interactive case studies, group discussions, and practical exercises. Participants are encouraged to actively engage in reflective learning and share their experiences and insights.


Assessment will be based on active participation, case analysis, and a final project applying ethical principles to a real-world patient-provider interaction scenario.


Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate of completion.


Participants should have a background in healthcare or a related field.


After the successful completion of the training , you will receive international certificate.


Tamar Svanadze

MD, PhD fellow, Resident Doctor of OB/GYN; Invited Lecturer, member of IPVS)

Doctoral thesis: "Molecular features of metaplastic processes of the cervix, changes in the microenvironment and the risk of neoplastic progression". Residency: residency program "Obstetrics and Gynecology"

Invited Lecturer - (subjects: biochemistry, molecular biology, pathology)

PBL tutor

₾950 ₾ 1200
  • Duration1 month and 1 week
  • Schedule

    Mon 18:00-19:00
    Thu 18:00-19:00

  • Language English