Management of Operation Risks

Session 1: Introduction to Operational Risk Management (1 hour)

  • Overview of Operational Risk
  • Importance of Managing Operational Risk
  • Regulatory Framework and Guidelines
  • Key Concepts and Terminology
  • Compliance and Regulatory Reporting

Session 2: Identifying Operational Risks (1 hour)

  • Methods for Identifying Risks
  • 3 lines of defense
  • Risk Categories and Types
  • Fraud – definition/management
  • Case Studies and Examples

Session 3: Risk Assessment and Measurement (1 hour)

  • Risk Assessment Frameworks
  • Risk Scoring and Rating
  • Severity and Probability Assessment
  • Risk Assessment Tools
  • Key Risk Indicators (KRIs)
  • KPI
  • Case Studies and Examples

Session 4: Risk Mitigation and Control (1 hour)

  • Risk Mitigation Strategies
  • Control Implementation
  • Monitoring and Reporting
  • Case Studies and/or Examples

Session 5: Risk Monitoring and Reporting (1 hour)

  • Key Risk Metrics
  • Risk Dashboard and Reporting
  • Early Warning Systems
  • Case Studies and/or Examples

Session 6: Incident Management and Response (1 hour)

  • Incident Identification and Classification
  • Escalation Procedures
  • Response Planning and Execution
  • Post-Incident Review and Learning
  • Case Studies and/or Examples

Session 7: Operational Risk Culture and Governance (1 hour)

  • Importance of a Risk-Aware Culture
  • Governance Framework
  • Role of Senior Management
  • Ethical Considerations
  • Case Studies and/or Examples

Session 8: Brief overview of the information security (1 hour)

  • Overview of Information Security (CIA)
  • Most common threats for the organization and what can we do?
  • Examples, videos
  • Course Recap and Q&A


ტრენინგის წარმატებით დასრულების შემდეგ მიიღებთ ორენოვან სერტიფიკატს.


Elene Bakuradze

Risks Team Lead at TBC Group

₾600 ₾ 850
  • Period02/05/2024 - 04/06/2024
  • Duration1 month
  • Schedule

    Tue 20:00-21:00
    Thur 20:00-21:00

  • Language Georgian